Profile SNAEM, I.P

NATIONAL SERVICE OF AMBULANCE AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY, I.P. (SNAEM, I.P.) Was established in 2021, based on Decree Law No. 25/ 2020, 10 June. SNAEM, I.P designated as a personalized service integrated in the indirect administration of the state, with judicial capacity of the public institution, and endowed with administrative, financial and property autonomy.

SNAEM, in the judicial area throughout the national territory. Headquarters of SNAEM is located in Dili, it also establishes decentralized administrative services in municipalities and in the administrative region Oe-cusse Ambeno.

Within the scope of attribution to SNAEM, which coordinates in the Integrated Medical Emergency System, including urgent and/or emergency activities through the pre-hospital care/first aid service of transport, hospital recess and emergency or emergency referral patient with responsible training, emergency medical training, civil planning and telecommunication.

Based on Ministerial Diploma No. 47/ 2020, 2 June, SNAEM, I.P directed by the General Director of the Directorate at the Central, Directors and decentralized services directed by the head of departments.

Structure central service organization and deconcentrated service.